Thursday, March 12, 2009

Signs of Spring, Part 2

At the beginning of the week, I promised more signs of spring -- ones more tangible. I haven't been able to get out much this week so far, but here are a few:

* the red-winged blackbirds are back -- we can hear them in the wetlands,and this morning one of them visited our deck;
* the deer are out in droves -- there was a whole family of the (4-5) on the corner of Bay and Hamilton the other evening, and I often see packs of them cruising along Rt 9;
* shoots are shooting from the ground! (see pictures);
* geese are flying and honking in the sky;
* there are more birds of different feathers at the bird feeders;
* the neighbourhood cats are out and about;
* the Smith College Spring Bulb Show is open.

I anticipate that next week we shall see more signs of spring -- be on the lookout, and I will be, too. I'm especially excited for the budding of the trees and blooming of the bulb flowers. Spring is on its way!

1 comment:

Laraine said...

The owls that live in our woods have announced that they are back!


Photographs and text copyrighted by Livin' In the Belch blog author, unless otherwise stated.